Bike Routes

Common Bike Routes to and from the LMA

From Cambridge:  route details here

Travel south along the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bike Path to the BU Bridge. Enter the road to cross the bridge and head straight down Essex Street (beware right hooks at the first stop sign!) Turn left on Ivy Street and right on Carlton Street. Bike across Beacon Street and follow the road as Carlton Street angles right and becomes Colchester / Chapel Street. Turn left at Longwood Ave and follow it to your destination.

Bike route to HSPH from Cambridge

From Jamaica Plain via the Emerald Necklace:  route details here

From Jamaica Pond, take the Emerald Necklace north until you reach Bynner St / Willow Pond Rd. Turn left to follow the trail and stay on the western side of the Emerald Necklace. At Washington St / Huntington Ave, you’ll need to bike along River Road until you can hop on the Emerald Necklace again. Exit onto Brookline Ave, take a right onto Francis St, a left on Binney, and a right again on Shattuck Street to end up behind HMS.

Bike Route to HSPH from JP via Riverway

From Jamaica Plain via Southwest Corridor:  route details here

From the Forest Hills T-station, bike north on South Street, take a right at New Washington St / Arborway and hop on the SW Corridor bike path. Follow the path until you near the Boston Police Department headquarters, then turn left onto Prentiss Street Take a right on Parker Street and, after one block, turn left on Ward Street. Ride about two blocks, then turn left onto St. Alphonsus Street and immediately right onto Longwood Avenue.

Bike Route to HSPH from JP via SW Corridor

Resources for Creating Your Own Route

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